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martedì 13 marzo 2012
Riconoscere e aiutare i talenti di ognuno di noi - Recognize and support the talents of each one of us
Scroll down for English version
Grande successo per la
presentazione della “Piccola Accademia d’Arte e Pensiero”, svoltasi a Milano lo
scorso 23 febbraio.
Frutto dell’incontro
tra Eurotalent e l’Accademia di arte contemporanea di Milano, “la
Piccola Accademia” è un format che propone laboratori, seminari e incontri,
singoli o a brevi cicli, per bambini, adolescenti e adulti, che riguardano
diverse aree del pensiero, delle scienze e delle arti.
L’iniziativa, presentata da
Federica Mormando, psichiatra, psicoterapeuta e presidente di Eurotalent, e da
Andrea Del Guercio, direttore delle Scuole di Pittura dell’Accademia di belle
arti di Brera, ha lo scopo di sostenere la formazione della capacità
critica, dell’autonomia di giudizio e della visione coinvolgente di
un conoscere che non ha mai fine. In altre parole, questo progetto intende
fornire i mezzi per entrare in possesso delle proprie risorse interiori, non
solo per imparare a destreggiarsi nella vita ma anche per saperne gioire.
Molto spesso infatti, pur con
tutte le migliori intenzioni, la scuola non riesce a riconoscere e valorizzare
i propri talenti e a coinvolgere bambini e ragazzi nell’avventura del
conoscere. Ne seguono limitazioni, spesso penalizzanti, soprattutto, ma non
solo, per i più dotati, mortificati nelle loro potenzialità e costretti ad
arrangiarsi in un contenitore “troppo stretto”.
English version
Great success for the presentation of the “Piccola Accademia d’Arte e Pensiero (Little Academy of Art and Thought), held in Milan on February 23rd.
Encounter between Eurotalent and the Academy of Contemporary Art in Milan, “Piccola Accademia” is a format that offers workshops, seminars and meetings, short courses for children, adolescents and adults who want to test and reinforce different areas of thought, science and arts.
The initiative, presented by Federica Mormando, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and president of Eurotalent, and by Andrea Del Guercio, director of Schools of Painting Academy of Fine Arts in Brera, is designed to support the training of critical skills, of independent judgment and vision of an exciting knowing that never ends. This project aims to provide the means to get hold of their on inner resources, not only to learn to juggle in life but also to learn to rejoice.
Unfortunatly, too often, even with all the best intentions, the school fails to recognize and use the talents of the children, and does not involve them in the adventure of knowing. As a consequence there are follow limitations, often penalizing, especially but not only, for most talented, that inhibit their potentialities and forced to manage in a container “too tight”.
Great success for the presentation of the “Piccola Accademia d’Arte e Pensiero (Little Academy of Art and Thought), held in Milan on February 23rd.
Encounter between Eurotalent and the Academy of Contemporary Art in Milan, “Piccola Accademia” is a format that offers workshops, seminars and meetings, short courses for children, adolescents and adults who want to test and reinforce different areas of thought, science and arts.
The initiative, presented by Federica Mormando, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and president of Eurotalent, and by Andrea Del Guercio, director of Schools of Painting Academy of Fine Arts in Brera, is designed to support the training of critical skills, of independent judgment and vision of an exciting knowing that never ends. This project aims to provide the means to get hold of their on inner resources, not only to learn to juggle in life but also to learn to rejoice.
Unfortunatly, too often, even with all the best intentions, the school fails to recognize and use the talents of the children, and does not involve them in the adventure of knowing. As a consequence there are follow limitations, often penalizing, especially but not only, for most talented, that inhibit their potentialities and forced to manage in a container “too tight”.
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